Malaysia Census 2020: Congratulations to all residents of Johor Bahru City Council

JOHOR BAHRU - The highest appreciation and thanks to all residents of Johor Bahru City Council for making the Malaysia 2020 Census a success.
The Johor Bahru City Council Malaysia 2020 Census Final Session was held on 10 October 2021. Congratulations to YB Dato 'Haji Mohd Noorazam bin Dato' Haji Osman, Mayor of Johor Bahru City Council, YBrs. Tuan Haji Miswan bin Yunus cum Assistant Commissioner 4, YBrs. IR Hajah Nazathul Shima binti Mohamad, as Assistant Commissioner 2, YB Dato 'Haji Adib bin Azhari former Assistant Commissioner 2, YBrs. En. Abdul Malik bin Ismail former Assistant Commissioner 4, District Superintendent, MyAD, MyCD and all members of the Johor Bahru 1 District Census Implementation Committee (JKPBD) for efforts to complete the Johor Bahru census.

This session was also attended by Pn. Siti Nabilah binti Zainal Abidin, En. Muhamad Ihsan bin Sujani, En. Muhammad Iqbal Arami bin Mohamed Shariff as the representative of the District Superintendent and Mrs. Rosnah binti Abu Nasir as MyAD Johor Bahru 1, Mrs. Iklima binti Ali and Mrs. Siti Shahriza Salmi binti Haron as the representative of MYCD Johor Bahru 1.

Date: 11 October 2021
Source: DOSM Johor

Banci Penduduk 2020
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

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