Discussion of Malaysia 2020 Seremban District Census Preliminary Data

Wednesday, 15 December 2021, a discussion of Malaysia 2020 Jelebu District Census Preliminary Data was held at the Seremban District and Land Office Operations Room. The discussion was chaired by Tuan Mohd Nizam bin Tajul Arus, District Officer and Assistant Commissioner of the Seremban District Census together with DOSM Negeri Sembilan Director, Puan Hartini binti Yaacob.

The discussion was also attended by officers from DOSM Negeri Sembilan and Seremban District and Land Office. The Preliminary Data of the Port Dickson District Census was presented by Encik Zainuri bin Mohammad, as myAD Seremban 3 & 4.

Discussions and presentations went smoothly. The feedback received from both sides was very good throughout the discussion. Thank you for all the cooperation given and may this cooperation continue and provide mutual benefits.

Thank you Seremban District & Land Office.
"Make Seremban District & Land Office to be among the best in Malaysia. To make Seremban District a prosperous and prosperous district with planned and comprehensive development by 2020"

Berita baik, kita kasik heboh

Banci Penduduk 2020
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

Hi, Saya Akak Banci. Anda boleh bertanya apa-apa perkara mengenai MyCensus 2020 dan saya akan cuba mendapatkan jawapan dari gedung ilmu atas talian.

Hi, Saya Admin MyCensus. Saya sedia chat dengan anda secara terus. Bagaimana saya boleh membantu anda?