Visit of the Chief Operating Officer of Besut, to Gong Kedak 'Pengkalan Udara', Besut

Goodwill Visit of the Head of Besut Operations Office, Mrs. Siti Aishah binti Salleh to Gong Kedak 'Pengkalan Udara', Besut. The objective of the visit is to distribute the census postcard online (e-census) and promote the Malaysian Population & Housing Census 2020. Thank you to LT KOL Wan Zainal Abidin bin Wan Yaacob, Base Executing Officer and officers who are willing to receive the visit.
Phase 1: 7 / 7-30 / 9 (e-Census)
Phase 2: 7 / 10- 24/10 (face to face)
"Pakat Cakne Blake"


Banci Penduduk 2020
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

Hi, Saya Akak Banci. Anda boleh bertanya apa-apa perkara mengenai MyCensus 2020 dan saya akan cuba mendapatkan jawapan dari gedung ilmu atas talian.

Hi, Saya Admin MyCensus. Saya sedia chat dengan anda secara terus. Bagaimana saya boleh membantu anda?