This publication represents the first in a series of the Census 2010 reports based on the final data designed to illustrate the scope and depth of information collected in the census. The report provides information on population distribution and basic demographic characteristics such as sex, age distribution, ethnic group, religion and marital status at national and state levels. Information on population by ethnic group at district level is also included.


Banci Penduduk 2020
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia

Hi, Saya Akak Banci. Anda boleh bertanya apa-apa perkara mengenai MyCensus 2020 dan saya akan cuba mendapatkan jawapan dari gedung ilmu atas talian.

Hi, Saya Admin MyCensus. Saya sedia chat dengan anda secara terus. Bagaimana saya boleh membantu anda?